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- HEALTH, Page 66The Times of Your LifeAn underground study shows how internal clocks can go awry
- Stefania Follini could be forgiven for losing track of time.
- On Jan. 13 the 27-year-old Italian interior designer descended into
- a cave near Carlsbad, N. Mex., where she was to live for more than
- four months as part of an experiment aimed at examining how the
- stresses of long-term isolation could affect space travel. Pioneer
- Frontier Explorations, an Italian research foundation, had selected
- Follini, one of 20 volunteers for the assignment, because she was
- judged to have inner strength and stamina. For 131 days she dwelled
- alone in a 20-ft. by 12-ft. Plexiglas module sealed 30 ft. under
- the surface, without sunlight or any other way of measuring time.
- Last week she emerged aboveground on schedule. But by her
- calculations it was only mid-March.
- During Follini's subterranean stay, her sense of time had
- elongated. Her "day" extended to 25 hours, then to 48 hours. She
- tended to sleep for 22 to 24 hours, then burst into activity for
- up to 30 hours. She ate less frequently and lost 17 lbs. Her
- menstrual period stopped. In short, her internal biological clocks
- had gone out of whack.
- The New Mexico experiment called attention to an emerging field
- in science called chronobiology, the study of the body's innate,
- rhythmic patterns. Today researchers realize that many human
- characteristics, from basic physiological functions such as blood
- pressure and body temperature to mental sharpness and moods, follow
- such patterns. Some cycles are as brief as seconds; the heart's
- permeability to certain chemical ions appears to shift back and
- forth in less than a minute. Others are measured in months; some
- people regularly fall into deep depressions in winter and cheer up
- in summer.
- The best-known rhythms are circadian, from the Latin, meaning
- "about a day." The sleep-wake cycle is the most obvious, but the
- body's production of hormones also fluctuates significantly over
- 24 hours. Says Charles Ehret, president of General Chronobionics,
- a research and consulting company in Hinsdale, Ill.: "Chemically,
- you are a very different person at noon than you are at night."
- Controlling the daily cycles is a cluster of 10,000 nerve cells
- -- altogether about the size of the head of a pin -- that are
- located in the hypothalamus, a segment of the brain. Some
- biological timepieces appear to take their cue from temperature or
- barometric pressure, but many are synchronized with the cycle of
- light and darkness caused by the rising and setting of the sun.
- Experiments conducted in caves, like the one in New Mexico, and
- others in special laboratories purposely remove all such cues. In
- Follini's module the temperature was a constant 69 degrees F, and
- the only illumination was artificial. The aim of such experiments
- is to get the body to "free-run" and see what sort of patterns it
- establishes on its own.
- The conditions of Follini's underground life were extreme, but
- people's biological clocks can also be disrupted by the demands of
- everyday life. Jetting across time zones, working twelve-hour days
- or irregular shifts and even sleeping late can disturb biological
- rhythms and impair efficiency and judgment. Government officials
- and business leaders are routinely advised to recover from jet lag
- before starting negotiations.
- Investigators analyzing the blowup of the Challenger shuttle
- and the disasters at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have found
- that in each case, critical errors were made by people struggling
- with unusual work schedules and lack of sleep. The two nuclear
- plant accidents happened in the wee hours of the morning.
- Similarly, most truck wrecks related to fatigue occur between 2
- a.m. and 4 a.m. "Shift workers classically have to perform when
- their brains are trying to put them to sleep," observes Dr. Charles
- Czeisler of Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital. "They are
- fighting the internal clock." Many workers run on automatic pilot
- at that time; they execute routine tasks but are unable to process
- new information, like flashing red lights that signal danger.
- More sensible work schedules could reduce such hazards. In a
- recent eleven-month experiment in Philadelphia, police were put on
- a revised rotation that meshed better with their innate clocks. The
- number of days worked consecutively was cut, and the officers were
- not moved from one shift to another as frequently. Police on the
- new schedule had 40% fewer patrol-car accidents than before, and
- their use of sleeping pills and alcohol dropped by half.
- Chronobiology also has implications for medical treatment.
- Diagnostic tests can be misinterpreted if doctors are not aware of
- biological rhythms. For instance, patients may react more strongly
- to allergy tests that are given in the evening than to the same
- tests done in the morning. Last week Dr. William Hrushesky of
- Albany Medical College reported that women who undergo mastectomies
- during their menstrual period appear to have a higher risk of dying
- from breast cancer within five years than women who are operated
- on in the middle of their monthly cycle. Hrushesky speculates that
- hormones produced during menstruation somehow have a negative
- effect on the body's immune system.
- In the most promising medical application, doctors are
- beginning to time medication to match biological cycles. Some
- experts believe the effectiveness of cancer treatments can be
- boosted -- and the harmful complications of the often toxic drugs
- lessened -- by taking advantage of daily rhythms in the immune
- system and cell division. Painful bouts of rheumatoid arthritis
- occur most frequently in the morning, when natural
- anti-inflammatory agents are least active; aspirin affords the best
- relief when taken the night before. On the other hand, the time to
- take medication for osteoid arthritis is midday; joints become
- inflamed with movement, and pain occurs later in the day.
- Scientists are also exploring ways of resetting the body's
- clocks. Among the possible methods: using exercise, changing diet,
- or varying the amount of light or sleep. Even chemical intervention
- is being considered. Says neurobiologist Fred Turek of Northwestern
- University: "One of our goals is to find safe drugs that can speed
- up your clock or slow it down." Such techniques offer the
- possibility that one day, humans will be not just captives but
- masters of biological time.